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- === Defending Yourself ===
- In Zangband, monsters may damage and otherwise harm you in a number of
- ways: in direct melee combat, by exploding next to you, by breathing
- on you and by casting spells. Some monsters referred to as "summoners"
- may not directly harm you but may summon other monsters to do their
- dirty work for them.
- Creatures will attack you in the same manner in which you attack them.
- If they move into you, they attack you. Virtually all monsters can
- lower your hit points by means of a melee attack, and if you lose too
- many, you die. Fortunately, this is also the attack most easily guarded
- against (by wielding armor). Each monster has a maximum of four melee
- attacks which may be of varying type, power and effect.
- In addition to pure damage, there can be a number of side-effects from
- a monster hitting you. For example, an especially powerful attack may
- stun you wound you. Stunning is cumulative and, if not addressed, may
- eventually result in you becoming knocked out which allows your
- opponent to continue attacking while you lie helpless. Wounds will
- cause you to lose hit points each round until you either die or your
- wound heals. You will slowly recover from any wound except a Mortal
- Wound with time and all wounds can be healed magically.
- In addition to cuts and stunning, some monsters melee attacks may have
- other consequences. These include causing you to become blind, scared,
- confused, poisoned or paralyzed. There are many others less common
- effects. Full details of monsters melee ability may be found in the
- section on Monsters (see monster.txt).
- Many monsters also have an array of magical spells which they may use
- against you and others can use various breath attacks on you from a
- distance. For example, a red dragon might breathe fire at you. You can
- defend yourself from the side-effects of melee attacks, monster spells
- and breath attacks by searching for armor that is resistant to that
- form of attack.
- As you move down deeper into the dungeon in search of better items,
- you will need to steadily improve your defenses against pure damage,
- wounds, stunning, bolts, balls, and breaths of various kinds,
- reductions of exp and stats, theft, and a variety of miscellaneous
- magical attacks.
- ***** <Armor>
- === Armor Class ===
- Your armor class (or AC) is a number that describes the amount and the
- quality of armor being worn. Armor class will generally run from about
- 0 to 150, but could become negative or greater than 150 with rarer
- armor or by magical means. Note the spell casters receive a penalty
- to their maximum mana for wielding armor that is too heavy. In addition,
- monks lose much of their bare handed fighting skill if their armor
- becomes too heavy.
- The larger your armor class, the more protective it is. A negative
- armor class would actually help get you hit. Armor protects you in
- three manners. One, it makes you harder to be hit for damage. A hit for
- no damage is the same as a miss. Two, good armor will absorb some of
- the damage that your character would have taken from normal attacks.
- Three, acid damage is reduced by wearing body armor (but the armor will
- be damaged instead). It is obvious that a high armor class is a must
- for surviving the deeper levels of Zangband. Note, however, that armor
- class by itself will not protect you from the side effects of monster
- melee attacks mentioned above.
- Each piece of armor has a base armor value, which, like the damage from
- weapons, is assumed known by the player, and a magic bonus, which will
- not be displayed unless the armor has been identified or was bought in
- a store.
- Armor class values are always displayed between a set of brackets as
- '[#]' or '[#,+#]'. The first value is the armor class of the item. The
- second number is the magical bonus of the item which is only displayed
- if known, and will always have a sign preceding the value.
- Note: A few rings, amulets, and weapons also have the '[+#]' notation,
- indicating that they provide an armor bonus. Many pieces of heavy body
- armor will also have a '(-#)' before the '[#,+#]', which indicates that
- the weight of the armor decreases your chances of hitting monsters.
- This can range from nonexistent for very light armor to (-8) for the
- very heaviest armor!
- ***** <ResistingMagic>
- === Resisting Magical Attacks ===
- Against some magical attacks (such as cause wounds, cause blindness or
- cause fear) the player will first get a saving throw (see the Skills
- page). However, against attacks such as bolts and ball spells this does
- not apply. Also, there is no saving throw against monster breaths. For
- these types of attacks, your only recourse it to find items or other
- means which grant you 'resistance' to that type of attack.
- In Zangband there are many forms of resistance which may be obtained
- either as bonuses from your equipment, as the result of casting a
- magical spell, activating certain artifacts or as the result of a
- mutation. Unfortunately, not all attacks available to monsters can be
- resisted and most can only be partially resisted.
- Each resistance has one or more corresponding monster attack which it
- 'resists'. By this we mean that it reduces the amount of damage that
- your character will take as a result of an attack of that kind. For
- example, fire resistance will reduce the damage to your character
- resulting from fire attacks such as a fire bolt or being breathed upon
- by a red dragon. Note that appropriate resistances will also negate or
- reduce some side-effects of monster melee attacks.
- There are two categories of resistances: (1) the low (or elemental)
- resistances - acid, fire, cold and electricity; and (2) the high
- resistances - poison, confusion, light, dark, blindness, sound, fear,
- shards, nexus, chaos, nether, gravity, disenchantment and time. In
- general, the low resistances are more commonly available, they can be
- double-resisted and the corresponding attacks have a higher maximum
- damage potential.
- A common misconception amongst new players is that having multiple
- sources of a particular resistance will increase your character's
- resistance to attacks of that form. This is not true. You will get the
- same benefit from wielding a single Amulet of Resist Acid as wielding a
- Shield of Resist Acid, an {Armor-type} of Resist Acid and an artifact
- weapon which grants acid resistance all at the same time.
- As stated above, however, it is possible to get double resistance for
- the low resists (and also poison). This is because these resistances
- are also available on a temporary basis by casting certain spells or by
- quaffing a Potion of Resistance. Some items may also activate for
- temporary resistance and it may also be gained from one of the many
- possible mutations. This temporary effect is cumulative with the
- permanent effect and will increase your protection against these kinds
- of attacks.
- ***** <EgoArtifact>
- === Ego Armor and Artifacts ===
- In addition to the ordinary armor items your character may find in
- the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
- These armors are fall into two types(1) artifacts; and (2) ego armors.
- Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
- game, it is not unusual to find several ego armors of the same type
- during the course of a character's adventures.
- In general, artifacts and ego armors may boost one or more of your
- primary statistics, may confer certain abilities upon your character
- and may grant resistance to certain forms of attack. Each Ego type may
- only be found on certain types of armor - for example, you can find a
- Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of Elvenkind.
- Note: Zangband has extended the original Angband's concept of adding
- random abilities to the various Ego types considerably. These can be
- either guaranteed or have only a varying chance of being granted. (See
- 'Randabil.spo' for details of the random powers of Ego Armor).
- --- Armor/Shields ---
- of Resist Acid.
- A character using such an object will take only one third normal
- damage from any acid thrown upon him. In addition, armor so
- enchanted will resist the acid's effects and not be damaged by it.
- of Resist Lightning.
- A character using a resist lightning object will take only one
- third damage from electrical attacks.
- of Resist Fire.
- A character using a resist fire object will take only one third
- damage from heat and fire.
- of Resist Cold.
- A character using a resist cold object will take only one third
- damage from frost and cold.
- of Resistance.
- A character wearing armor with this ability will have resistance
- to Acid, Cold, Fire, and Lightning as explained in each part
- above.
- of Elvenkind.
- This is the same as Resistance armor, only generally better
- enchanted. It will also make you more stealthy.
- of Permanence (Robes Only)
- These robes provide resistance to fire, cold, acid, and
- electricity and cannot be damaged by acid. They also resist life
- draining attacks and sustain all your primary statistics.
- of Reflection (Shields Only)
- These shields reflect missiles and bolt spells preventing damage
- to the player character and often damaging the originating
- monster. The reflection is not 100% effective but nearly so.
- --- Caps/Helms/Crowns ---
- of Intelligence
- This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence.
- of Wisdom
- This item and will both increase and sustain your wisdom.
- of Beauty
- This item will both increase and sustain your charisma.
- of the Magi
- This item will both increase and sustain your intelligence, and
- grants resistance against fire, frost, acid, and lightning.
- of Might
- This item will both increase and sustain your strength, dexterity,
- and constitution and will also make you immune to any foe's attempt
- to slow or paralyze you.
- of Lordliness
- This item will both increase and sustain your wisdom and charisma.
- of Seeing
- This item will grant the ability to see invisible creatures, and
- will also increase your ability to locate traps and secret doors.
- In addition it will also prevent you from being blinded.
- of Infravision
- This item will increase the range of you infravision and grants
- infravision if you are a race which does not get it intrinsically.
- of Light
- This item provides a permanent light source.
- of Telepathy
- This item grants its wielder telepathy.
- of Regeneration
- This item will help you regenerate hit points and mana more
- quickly than normal, allowing you to fight longer before needing
- to rest. You will use food faster than normal while wearing this
- crown because of the regenerative effects.
- --- Cloaks ---
- of Protection
- These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
- attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements.
- of Stealth
- These cloaks will make your character more stealthy.
- of Aman
- These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid, fire, cold or lightning
- attacks but do not grant resistance to these elements. They also
- make your character more stealthy.
- of Immolation
- These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or fire attacks. They also
- grant resistance to fire and give out a fiery aura.
- of Electricity
- These cloaks cannot be harmed by acid or electricity attacks. They
- also grant resistance to electricity and give out an electric
- aura.
- --- Gloves/Gauntlets/Sets of Cesti ---
- of Free Action
- This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
- paralyze you. A mage-type spellcaster who wields them will not
- have their mana penalized.
- of Slaying
- In addition to its armor bonus, this item will grant a bonus to
- your +to-hit and +to-dam.
- of Agility
- This item will increase your dexterity. A mage-type spellcaster
- who wields them will not have their mana penalized.
- of Power
- This item will increase your strength and will also grant a bonus
- to your +to-hit and +to-dam.
- --- Boots ---
- of Levitation
- These boots will grant you levitation.
- of Stealth
- These boots will make your character more stealthy.
- of Free Action
- This item will make you immune to any foe's attempt to slow or
- paralyze you.
- of Speed
- These boots will make your character more speedy.
- --- Special Items ---
- Dragon Scale Mails.
- These extremely rare pieces of armor come in many different
- colors, each protecting you against the relevant dragons.
- Naturally they are all resistant to acid damage. They also
- occasionally allow you to breathe as a dragon would!
- Dragon Shields and Helms
- These shields and helms have a chance of granting one or more
- random resistances.
- Other items
- Apart from these there are some very rare, and well made armors
- in the dungeon with not necessarily any special abilities. These
- include Adamantite Plate Mail, Mithril Plate Mail, Mithril Chain
- Mail, Shields of Deflection, and Shadow Cloaks. The first four
- cannot be damaged by acid because of the quality metals they
- contain. Shadow Cloaks grant resistance to both light and darkness
- attacks.
- ***** <Resistances>
- === The Resistances ===
- This section describes the various attack-types available to monsters
- and how they may be resisted.
- Acid
- Acid resistance will cut damage from acid attacks by two-thirds.
- Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
- This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
- resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Acid
- resistance will also protect your wielded equipment from being
- corroded by acid but will not protect items in your inventory from
- being destroyed by acid if they are susceptible to such attacks.
- Fire
- Fire resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by two-thirds.
- Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
- This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
- resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Fire
- resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
- destroyed by fire if they are susceptible to such attacks.
- Cold
- Cold resistance will cut damage from cold attacks by two-thirds.
- Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another two-thirds.
- This means that a character with both permanent and temporary
- resistance will only take one-ninth of the original damage. Cold
- resistance will not protect items in your inventory from being
- destroyed by cold if they are susceptible to such attacks.
- Electricity
- Electricity resistance will cut damage from fire attacks by
- two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
- two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
- temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
- damage. Electricity resistance will not protect items in your
- inventory from being destroyed by electricity if they are
- susceptible to such attacks.
- Poison
- Poison resistance will cut damage from poison attacks by
- two-thirds. Temporary resistance will cut further damage by another
- two-thirds. This means that a character with both permanent and
- temporary resistance will only take one-ninth of the original
- damage. Poison resistance will also protect you from becoming
- 'poisoned' but characters will not be healed of their 'poisoned'
- status if they become resistant to poison after already being
- poisoned. This must be cured by other means.
- Confusion
- Confusion resistance will reduce the damage taken from confusion
- attacks and breaths. It will also prevent your character from
- becoming 'Confused' (if you are confused you will be unable to read
- scrolls, cast spells or prayers and will have a dramatically
- reduced ability to use magical devices). In particular, water
- attacks may confuse as a side-effect - this is prevented if you
- have confusion resistance
- Light
- Light breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
- side-effect. Light resistance reduces the damage and also
- prevents blindness caused from light attacks (but not from other
- attacks.
- Dark
- Dark breaths damage the player and cause blindness as a
- side-effect. Dark resistance reduces the damage and also
- prevents blindness caused from dark attacks (but not from other
- attacks. In addition, some high-level monsters can cast Darkness
- Storms, these are a particularly dangerous form of attack but are
- resisted if you gave Dark resistance.
- Blindness
- Resist blindness will protect you from spells which blind and from
- being "hit to blind" (a few monsters can do this) as well as from
- the blindness (but not the damage) caused by light and darkness
- breaths.
- Sound
- Sound resistance reduces damage from sound attacks and also the
- stunning side effects of sound and some other attacks. (Sound,
- plasma, water, force, gravity and shards attacks may all stun the
- player as may ice-bolt attacks). Sound resistance does not protect
- against stunning from melee attacks.
- Fear
- Fear resistance gives immunity to attacks which make your character
- 'Afraid' (being afraid prevents your character from participating
- in melee combat but does not otherwise affect you).
- Shards
- Shards resistance will reduce the damage taken from shards attacks
- (this includes a Cyberdemon's Rocket Launchers). It also prevents
- the cuts that come from these attacks (and also ice-bolts). Some
- shards attacks may also stun the player, this is prevented if you
- have sound resistance and not by shard resistance.
- Nexus
- Nexus attacks are one of the most annoying attacks in Zangband but
- will rarely kill you directly. A Nexus attack will damage the player
- and may teleport the player, teleport-level the player or swap two
- of your primary statistics around. Nexus resistance will reduce the
- damage taken from such attacks and prevent the side-effects but
- will not prevent you from being teleported by non-nexus attacks (for
- this you will need an item granting anti-teleportation).
- Chaos
- Chaos attacks are one of the most dangerous attack types in
- Zangband. They have a relatively high maximum damage, and may also
- confuse the player, cause hallucination, reduce your character's
- experience and cause you to mutate. Chaos resistance will the
- damage taken from such attacks and negate all side-effects.
- Nether
- Another dangerous attack type. Nether attacks are common deeper in
- the dungeon, have a high maximum damage and will also cause your
- character's experience to be drained. Nether resistance will reduce
- the damage taken and the experience loss. It will not reduce the
- experience loss from non-nether attacks (for this you need
- hold-life).
- Gravity
- Gravity attacks damage the player and also cause you (and monsters
- they hit) to be teleported a short distance. A side-effect of this
- is that since the effect is calculated on each spot in turn, it is
- possible to be blinked into a spot which hasn't been calculated yet
- but is in line to be affected by the breath - the net result is to
- be hit twice, blinked twice and damaged twice by the same breath.
- Gravity attacks may also stun your character. Levitation provides
- resistance to the damaging effect of gravity, resist teleportation
- prevents the blinking around and resistance to sound prevents you
- from becoming stunned.
- Disenchantment
- Disenchantment attacks damage the player and may result in the
- to-hit, to-dam and to-AC bonuses on your wielded equipment being
- reduced. Disenchantment resistance will reduce the damage you take
- and will prevent the disenchantment of your equipment.
- ***** <Unresistable>
- --- Unresistable Attacks ---
- There is no resistance to the following types of attacks although some
- of their side-effects may be resisted.
- Toxic Waste
- Resist poison will resist the damage from Toxic Waste attacks but
- you may still suffer some side effects unless you also have chaos
- resistance.
- Time
- Time attacks damage the player, drain experience and may reduce one
- or more of your primary statistics.
- Plasma
- Plasma can damage you, stun you and burn your equipment. Fire
- immunity (not resistance) prevents burning of equipment, sound
- resistance prevents the stunning but there is no resistance to the
- damage.
- Inertia
- Inertia will damage you and slow you down by -10 speed. There is no
- resistance to damage or effects.
- Mana and Disintegration
- There is no resistance to the mana and disintegration attacks.
- ***** <Immunities>
- --- Immunities ---
- It is also possible that you may find items which grant immunity
- to one or (very occasionally) more of the low resistances ie. Acid,
- Fire, Cold and Electricity. In this case, when wielded, you will
- take no damage from attacks of the relevant kind and, in addition,
- your equipment and inventory are safe from being damaged or
- destroyed by the attack.
- In addition free action, fear and blindness resistance may be
- thought of as immunities since having they protect totally from the
- respective form of attack.
- ***** <Miscellaneous>
- --- Miscellaneous ---
- The following are not properly resistances but may be sensibly included
- on this page.
- Free Action
- Free action is immunity to paralysis: this is foolproof except in
- the special case of the Ancient and Foul Curse which requires a
- successful saving throw as well as free action to avoid should it
- attempt to paralyze you. Spells, potions of paralysis and being
- hit-to-paralyze are completely protected against.
- Hold-life
- Hold Life is protection from experience draining. It is 90%
- foolproof: 10% of draining attacks will still drain you, but by
- less than would otherwise have been the case.
- ***** <Recovering>
- === Recovering from Attacks ===
- You cannot combat with the creatures in Zangband and expect to come out
- unscathed every time. When a monster inflicts damage on you, you will
- need to take steps to recover from the damage as soon as possible.
- --- Healing Items ---
- Healing is available in multiple forms including: Potions and Staves
- of Cure Light Wounds, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds, Potions of Cure
- Critical Wounds, Potions, Staves and Rods of Healing, Potions of
- *Healing* and Potions of Life, from weakest to strongest. Both the Life
- and Nature realms contains spells to heal the player.
- Cure Light/Serious/Critical Wounds
- these generally restore a small amount of hitpoints and may also
- remove temporary bad effects like confusion, blindness, poison and
- cuts. The amount of hitpoints healed and the number of other bad
- effects cured increases from Light to Serious to Critical.
- Healing
- restores 300 hitpoints and removes all temporary bad effects with
- the exception of fear and cures all wounds.
- *Healing*
- restores 1000 hitpoints and removes all temporary bad effects and
- cures all wounds
- Potions of Life
- restores 5000 hitpoints (about 5 times more than you'll ever
- have), restores all drained stats and experience, and removes all
- bad effects except hunger. These are very rare; save them in your
- home for a dangerous fight.
- --- Restoring Items ---
- From time to time your primary statistics and/or experience may be
- drained. Statistics can be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore
- {name of stat} or a Potion of {Name of stat} or by eating a Mushroom of
- Restoring. Some towns may provide this service for a fee. Experience
- may be restored by quaffing a Potion of Restore Life Levels or using a
- Rod of Restoration. You may also regain it in the normal course of your
- adventuring or by quaffing a Potion of Experience. The Life realm has
- a spell called Restoration which restores any drained experience.
- --- Other ---
- There are also other items in the dungeon which may help you to recover
- from various things that monsters may do to you. For example, some
- mushrooms may help you recover from confusion, a Potion of Heroism
- will prevent you from becoming afraid, a Potion of Slow Poison will
- reduce the effects of becoming poisoned, etc. Most objects' names give
- a clear idea of the benefits and dangers of using them and so an
- exhaustive list is not provided in this document.
- --
- Original : (??), Leon Marrick and Chris Weisiger
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: January 13, 2000